
O Captain My Captain Questions & Answers

O Captain My Captain Questions & Answers

 O Captain! My Captain!


A. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. The body of the Captain lay on the ......................
  1. deck 
  2. shore
  3. bow
  4. hull
Answer: deck

2. The people on shore are carrying ............ to welcome the Captain.
  1. banners
  2. balloons
  3. sweets
  4. bouquets
Answer: bouquets

3. The ........... is flung for the Captain.
  1. sail
  2. line
  3. flag
  4. shroud
Answer: flag

4. The ........... of the Captain are pale and still.
  1. cheeks
  2. lips
  3. eyes 
  4. years
Answer: lips


B. Tick (✔) the correct statements and cross (x) the incorrect ones.

1. The ship has reached the port safely. (✔)
2. The people are rejoicing in different ways, welcoming the Captain and his ship. (✔)
3. The sailor happily leaves the deck to join the people. (x)
4. The Captain hails the people welcoming him. (x)


C. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct words from the brackets. on the port were rejoicing after the ship's safe arrival.

1. The people on the port were rejoicing after the ship's safe arrival. (people / sailors)
2. the poet wants the Captain to hear the bells. (bells / knells)
3. The Captain does not feel his son's (sailor's) arm. (arm / forehead)
4. The poet walks to the deck where the Captain lay. (starboard / deck)


D . Answer each question in 35-40 words.

1. What was the condition of the ship?
Answer: The ship in the poem is compared to America, the nation which had suffered a civil war. The northern states under Abraham Lincoln's leadership wanted to put an end to slavery which the southern states objected to. The nation or the ship after weathering the terrible storm has safely reached the harbour. The ship was all worn out but safe. 

2. Who lay dead on the deck and where was the ship nearing?
Answer: The Captain who had guided the ship through all kinds of perils and dangers at sea, himself could not make it to the shore. The ship was safely nearing the harbour whereas the Captain had succumbed to his injuries. 

3. What dream did the speaker think he was having?
Answer: The poet refuses to believe that the person who guided the ship safely to the harbour through the perils at sea, himself could not make it to the shore. He lay on the deck dead and cold. The warm, welcoming and cheerful crowd at the harbour and the dead captain on the deck seem like a dream to the Captain. 

4. Why does the Captain not feel the speaker's arm?
Answer: The Captain does not feel the speaker's arm because he is lying dead on the deck. Though the Captain's head is cradled in the poet's arm, he is beyond any feelings or emotions as he is dead.


E. Answer each question in 50-60 words.

1. What was the cause of the speaker's happiness?
Answer: The poet is happy and rejoicing the ship's safe and successful return to the port. The ship has returned successfully from its quest, the prize, which it had gone seeking for is won. But the happiness of the speaker is not complete as his Captain, who had steered and guided the ship through the perils at sea, is not there to share it with him. 

2. What did the speaker hear near the port?
Answer: The poet is able to hear the bells at the port ringing joyfully, welcoming the victorious ship home. He can hear the cheerful shouts of the people gathered at the harbour. People are blowing the bugles and making the atmosphere festive. 

3. How did the people on shore await the ship?
Answer: The people on shore are joyous, they are ringing the bells, blowing the bugle and making merry. The people are carrying bouquets of flowers and ribboned wreaths as well. The rejoicing people are eagerly waiting for the return of their beloved Captain while waving flags all the time. 

4. In what condition was the ship anchored?
Answer: The ship after its perilous journey is safely anchored at the harbour. The people at the shore are rejoicing to see the ship's safe return. The ship though worn out from all the storms it encountered at the sea is safe and steady. The ship's crew is safe except for the captain who is lying dead in his mate's arms.


Answer each question in 60-80 words.

1. What had happened to the Captain?
Answer: After guiding the ship through its perilous journey and the mission accomplished, the Captain has fulfilled his duty. The Captain was successful in bringing his crew and ship safely to the harbour. After fighting so many battles with the sea and winning them, the Captain simply gave up on life when the ship anchored. The Captain was lying dead in his mate's arms oblivious to all the festivities around him. No joyful shout or emotion can reach him. 

2. What is the relation of the speaker with the Captain? How does he express his sorrow?
Answer: The speaker is a fellow-in-arms of the Captain. He addresses him as Captain all through the poem. At one place he calls him father, it is when he is cradling the Captain in his arm. The poet says that the Captain has neither any pulse nor the will to live anymore. The poet is full of sorrow on losing his beloved leader. He says that when there were dangers all around, the Captain had fought bravely but now when the ship is safely anchored, the Captain was not around to taste the fruits of success. 

3. What do you think is the theme of the poem? Elaborate.
Answer: The theme of Walt Whitman's poem 'Oh Captain! My Captain' is the death of President Abraham Lincoln just as the Civil War ends. The themes of mourning the death of the one who was the Captain of the ship (the nation) and rejoicing over the victory intertwine throughout the poem. The poet expresses first the relief over the end of the journey (the war) and the prize attained (freeing of the slaves) before launching into mourning at the bloodshed and death of his dear Captain (the President).

O Captain My Captain Questions & Answers